Friday, July 18, 2014

Be Here, Be Grateful

Shortly after deciding to commit to my gratitude jar "practice", I also decided to try the #100HappyDays challenge on Instagram. My cousin just reached her 100 days and it made me happy to see she had so many wonderful things to be happy about. I wasn't sure if it would have any real impact at first, but now I see it as another way to help bring you into the present moment. I've made a few observations over the last few weeks:

1. Some days I find I could add 10 slips of paper to my gratitude jar and post several #100HappyDays photos, whereas other days, it is isn't so easy. What I love about the #100HappyDays challenge is that it holds you accountable to posting every day and finding something that makes you happy and that you are grateful for. It surprises you when you really can find something every day - big or small, there is always something to be grateful for.

2. I think using both a gratitude jar and doing the #100HappyDays challenge is helpful to fully cultivate happiness and gratitude, because some things are better captured visually, while others can only be captured in words. 

3. I noticed that when I take photos with intention, I am able to remember what I was feeling when I took the photo and it helps me tap back into that joy, happiness and gratitude I felt in that moment. It's funny how something, when done with intention, can produce a result with more depth and meaning.

4. I came to the realization yesterday that I am much more future-oriented than I desire to be. I wasn't always this way, but over the last few years I've caught myself focusing so much on what's ahead, what I have to do next, and what I want in the future, that I don't fully appreciate the present. I've struggled with anxiety and often this is where anxiety comes from -- when you're over "there" and not here. I read something yesterday that said, "letting go of being too future-oriented doesn't mean you stop planning, it just means you don't let the planning get in the way of the present moment." This will continue to be a journey for me, but I think that being aware and focusing on practices that bring me into the "now",  will move me along the path to living a more present life. I'm sure my yoga teacher training will also teach me a thing or two ;)

#100HappyDays moments: Relaxed, At Peace, Feeling "Home", Whole, Happy, Grateful, Accomplished, Calm Mind, Happy Body, Grateful, Joyful, In Love, Happy, Smiling from the Inside Out, Nostalgic, Happy, At Peace.

When you practice staying present, pay attention to the feelings and emotions that arise. I think you'll be surprised how many times being happy and grateful pop up.  

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Natural Beauty

In my posts I've been focusing mostly on visions, goals & self-discovery, but there are many other things that contribute to feeling healthy, happy & fulfilled. Because I know how difficult it can be to find great natural or organic beauty products, I'd like to share some that I love.

A few years ago, I became interested in swapping my "conventional" beauty products for "healthier" natural and/or organic options. I tested different brands, but never really found products that I loved. So, I went back to most of what I was using before. It wasn't until I attended a lecture this past fall and found out about the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database, that I really committed to making the switch.

The Skin Deep Cosmetics Database allows you to look up nearly every beauty & cosmetic product on the market, view its contents and it will notify you of potential ingredient health hazards (1= low hazard, 10= high hazard). After taking a look at some of the products I had been using, I decided it was time to find healthier & safer alternatives.

I haven't made the switch with every product I use, but here are a few that I absolutely love!

Rarely does a natural deodorant get five star reviews. After trying at least seven different natural deodorants that failed for various reasons (sticky, smelly, didn't last, left white marks, etc.), I was so happy to find Real Purity. It actually works. I'm not kidding. It smells light and fresh, goes on clear, it isn't sticky and it lasts all day -- even in the summer! There are times I will reapply, but overall this is an amazing product and I am so thankful my natural deodorant search is over! 
(EWG score: 1)

Nearly all perfumes have a high hazard score on Skin Deep. I'd like to make my own perfumes with essential oils, but haven't done that just yet. For now, I did find a lovely alternative. Pacifica Island Vanilla perfume has a sweet vanilla scent, mixed with honey-jasmine. It is perfect for every day wear.
(EWG score: 4 - The perfume is not listed, this is for the Island Vanilla Body Wash)

I love this eye make up remover by Beauty Without Cruelty. I apply it to a cotton ball and my eye make up comes off effortlessly -- no pulling or rubbing on the eye area needed. It is gentle, fragrance free and doesn't leave any greasy residue. It is all around a wonderful product!
(EWG score: 2)

I am in love with the EO brand. The products are high quality, but affordable. The Everyone Face Tone I use in the evening after I wash my face. It is gentle (I have oily and sometimes sensitive skin) and removes the last traces of oil and make up, leaving my skin feeling refreshed. (EWG score: 3) 

I wash my face twice a day with the Everyone Face Exfoliate. Normally, exfoliating more than once a day can be harsh on the skin, but this is very gentle. It has a light citrusy smell and leaves my skin feeling clean, but also moisturized -- not stripped. (EWG score: 2)

The Everyone Lotion in Coconut + Lemon is a favorite. Not only do I love this lotion because coconut & lemon is my favorite scent combination, but because it is not at all greasy and does a great job moisturizing skin all year round. Did I mention it smells amazing? :) (EWG score: 2)

Lastly, the Everyone Face Moisturize face lotion has become my staple face moisturizer. Over the years I have probably tried at least 10 -- not kidding -- different face moisturizers. Because I have oily, sensitive - and in the winter more combination - skin, other products would make my face greasy, breakout prone, or red and itchy. This lotion is light, not greasy and wears well under make up. I love it! The smell is a bit odd, but it does the job so well, I can look past the smell! (EWG score: 2)

I hope you found this helpful if you are looking for new natural beauty products -- or if you're thinking of making the switch! In the future, I plan to test out some homemade beauty products and share them here!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Dreams Manifesting...

I am so excited to announce my upcoming class!

Vision Board Workshop

Where: Bodhi Spiritual Center
                 2746 N. Magnolia
             Chicago, IL 60614

When: Thursday, July 24 - 7:00 to 9:00 pm

This is a relaxed class sure to help you get clear on your goals, while also allowing you to tap into your creative side! Come with an open mind, leaving feeling inspired and empowered!

Learn more and register here

Hope to see you there!