I filled up four notebook pages of notes while watching. I'll admit, parts of the movie are a bit cheesy, but there are so many great messages delivered in the film. The underlying idea is that you have and become what you think about -- you are the creator of your own reality. I've known and believed this concept for a while now, but somehow, this time it really stuck. The idea that resonated with me most was that if you think about things that you fear and things that make you frustrated or angry, you'll get more of those things. One of the lines from the film I wrote down was, "Most people think about what they don't want and what their afraid of, and wonder why it shows up in their life over and over again." The idea is that everything that you have and you are experiencing in life right now -- including the things you complain about or are fearful of -- you've attracted.
This concept speaks to me right now as I move toward pursuing goals, but find fear standing in my way. Even with this blog, fear kept me from starting, which generated more fear and doubt, which eventually left me at a standstill. But, when I shifted into a place of pushing fear aside and moving forward anyway -- it became easier and ideas began to flow.
Watching the film also gave me the push I needed to move forward on another goal that has been clouded with fear. I set the intention to teach a vision boarding class sometime this summer, but fear and uncertainty kept me from creating a plan and setting a date. The more I thought about this fear and uncertainty, the more fearful and uncertain I became about moving forward, so I didn't. But after the film yesterday, I pulled out my own vision board and added some moving and inspiring images, words and quotes and hung it back on the wall in my office, where I'll look at it daily. I've started to draft a script for my class and I will run a practice session with some friends in a week. Then I'll set the date. Thoughts become things and if I shift to thinking positively about achieving this goal, moving past the fear will become easier and I will attract a positive outcome.
One quote that I pinned to my vision board -- which it was crazy that I unknowingly already had a quote by Joseph Campbell on my board -- was this: "Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there once were walls."
Whether you agree with all of the concepts and ideas in The Secret or not, I think we all can benefit from the underlying messages. Open yourself up, act when you have inspired thought, focus on and visualize what you want, but be grateful for what you have. The next time anxious, fearful thoughts enter my mind, I will remember that I attract what I think about most.
Buddha print available here
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