Sunday, October 11, 2015

23 week update

How far along: 23 weeks 6 days
Weight gain/loss: Scale is reading 181 - pretty much outweighing my husband now!
Symptoms: Oh the usual congested/slight bloody nose, a few episodes of heartburn, hip pain when sleeping
Maternity clothes: My friend Rebecca who just had twins, sent along a whole bag of maternity clothes! I'm so excited to have some more options to wear :) I also ordered a pair of drawstring, underbelly skinny sweats from A Pea in the Pod in size large -- they came yesterday and are SOO comfy! Yay! I also got to sport my  dress from ASOS maternity at my shower this week (however had a bit of a breakdown trying to fit into maternity pantyhose. Bad idea. I ended up wearing leggings underneath). 
Sleep: Unfortunately, I had some nights with really uncomfortable, painful hips this week. We put one of those egg shell mattresses over our mattress and it does help, but some nights just seem to be worse than others. If I tuck the down comforter under my hip, I get some relief, but the only true relief is sleeping sitting up or just getting up. I think my record for middle-of-the-night bathroom trips this week was 5! 
Best moment this week: My beautiful baby shower! My aunt Astrida did such a lovely job organizing and decorating. Although several friends and family members couldn't be there, I was so excited to see everyone who came. Weather was perfect, a crisp fall day and a view of colorful fall leaves over the Grand River in Grand Rapids. Markus and I are so appreciative of everyone's love and generosity! 
Miss Anything? My mother in law is in town and I missed being able to go shopping and lunching with her and my mom. Too much for me at this point :(  I'd love to go out to an apple orchard or go on a long walk and look at the fall leaves...
Movement:  Lots of action! 
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week...except Jimmy John's haha
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Belly measurement: Biggest part of the belly is still around 42.5"
Gender: 3 Boys!!
Prayers: We are now at viability, so every day babies stay in is a miracle! I am grateful for every day they grow and continue to pray for their health and mine. 10-11 weeks until our goal!!
Labor signs: No
Stretch marks: No
Mood: Overall good
Looking forward to: We always look forward to our appointments, but there is always a bit of anxiety when having the detailed growth ultrasounds. We will get an update on how babies are doing at next week's 24-week scan. We will also get a tour of the NICU. 

23 week belly - with my sister photobombing ;) 

At the shower with my grandma