Friday, July 18, 2014

Be Here, Be Grateful

Shortly after deciding to commit to my gratitude jar "practice", I also decided to try the #100HappyDays challenge on Instagram. My cousin just reached her 100 days and it made me happy to see she had so many wonderful things to be happy about. I wasn't sure if it would have any real impact at first, but now I see it as another way to help bring you into the present moment. I've made a few observations over the last few weeks:

1. Some days I find I could add 10 slips of paper to my gratitude jar and post several #100HappyDays photos, whereas other days, it is isn't so easy. What I love about the #100HappyDays challenge is that it holds you accountable to posting every day and finding something that makes you happy and that you are grateful for. It surprises you when you really can find something every day - big or small, there is always something to be grateful for.

2. I think using both a gratitude jar and doing the #100HappyDays challenge is helpful to fully cultivate happiness and gratitude, because some things are better captured visually, while others can only be captured in words. 

3. I noticed that when I take photos with intention, I am able to remember what I was feeling when I took the photo and it helps me tap back into that joy, happiness and gratitude I felt in that moment. It's funny how something, when done with intention, can produce a result with more depth and meaning.

4. I came to the realization yesterday that I am much more future-oriented than I desire to be. I wasn't always this way, but over the last few years I've caught myself focusing so much on what's ahead, what I have to do next, and what I want in the future, that I don't fully appreciate the present. I've struggled with anxiety and often this is where anxiety comes from -- when you're over "there" and not here. I read something yesterday that said, "letting go of being too future-oriented doesn't mean you stop planning, it just means you don't let the planning get in the way of the present moment." This will continue to be a journey for me, but I think that being aware and focusing on practices that bring me into the "now",  will move me along the path to living a more present life. I'm sure my yoga teacher training will also teach me a thing or two ;)

#100HappyDays moments: Relaxed, At Peace, Feeling "Home", Whole, Happy, Grateful, Accomplished, Calm Mind, Happy Body, Grateful, Joyful, In Love, Happy, Smiling from the Inside Out, Nostalgic, Happy, At Peace.

When you practice staying present, pay attention to the feelings and emotions that arise. I think you'll be surprised how many times being happy and grateful pop up.  

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