Friday, August 28, 2015

17 week update

How far along: 17 weeks 4 days 
Weight gain/loss: My scale at home seems to be a little off from the scale at my OB office, but I'm somewhere around 160-162.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new here. 
Sleep: The first few hours of sleeping at night are comfortable and restful, but still waking between 4-6 am to change to a sitting up position. Still napping for about 1-1.5 hours per day on most days. 
Best moment this week: No appointments this week. We celebrated my birthday this week by going to dinner at Charley's Crab in Grand Rapids. I enjoyed a wedge salad, King crab legs, sweet potatoes and key lime pie! This is Markus' last week before both working and starting school, so enjoying the time we do have together now. I also forgot to mention that we decided on first names after our last scan, but we are keeping them a secret and will name each baby once they are born.
Miss Anything? Still wishing I could deep clean & organize! I cleaned our bathroom top to bottom -- felt really exhausted afterward -- probably will be my last time doing that for now. Not having my pulse beating loudly in my ears would be nice. I don't know if this has to do with the increased blood volume, but it is so distracting and annoying. Speaking of increased blood volume, I also got two very scary nosebleeds this week :( I really hate them. It's a normal occurrence in pregnancy, but it is very unpleasant.
Movement: Not feeling much this week. Felt a few pokes/tightness both on the right and left once or twice.
Food cravings: No strong cravings lately! However, I don't know that I'll stop having a sweet tooth for gluten free baked goods (cookies/cupcakes/donuts) & the occasional ice cream! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? It seems lately I really don't crave anything and no food sounds particularly good. I'm just eating because I'm hungry and know I have to, not due to cravings. I'm trying to focus on my protein intake and keep that up as much as I can (100 g + per day).  
Belly measurement: Biggest part of the belly is measuring 39" - growing! 
Gender: 3 Boys!!
Prayers: Have been praying for all of our babies, especially Baby B. At next week's appointment we won't be checking detailed growth, just heart rate and my cervix. I'd like to ask the tech if we can at least take the crown to rump measurement to get a sense of where they are in growth. Perhaps they will do that anyway. 
Labor signs: No
Stretch marks: No
Mood: Overall good! 
Looking forward to: Our 18 week appointment! Next week we also start our classes at the hospital. We are taking Baby Care; Twins, Triplets and More (2 sessions); and C-Sections. I'd like to take the breastfeeding class, but may wait to see what we learn in the Triplets class before I sign up. 

17 week belly pic (with my parents' kitty eating in the background)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

16 week update

How far along: 16 weeks 4 days
Weight gain/loss: At this week's OB appointment I was 159
Maternity clothes: I got a black maternity maxi skirt on Poshmark for $13 -- a steal! SO comfortable
Sleep: Still struggling in this department. However, last night I tried sleeping with two pillows under my head and for the first time in days I didn't have neck pain when I woke up! Still trying to find the best sitting up position -- I may need more pillows! What a production...
Best moment this week: Our 16 week anatomy scan. The only tough part was that it was 2 hours long, so the techs told me to let them know if I got dizzy or nauseous (at one point I did, but propping up my head on two pillows helped). We saw so much movement and action! Babies are very active and doing well overall -- I'll share details about the results below.
Miss Anything? Nothing in particular this week. I suppose doing "all out" cleaning -- I love to clean & organize!
Movement: I asked the OB if what I've been feeling sounds like movement and she said it could be or it could be ligaments. Still feeling that same tightness/poking on the right side occasionally. 
Food cravings: No strong cravings the last few days. I had this delicious cinnamon hazelnut coffee a few weeks ago from Ferris Coffee and have been thinking about it ever since, so we went to the Ferris store and bought some. I wasn't drinking any coffee during the beginning of the pregnancy, or very much at all during IVF, but one day when I went back to it, it's been hard to stop. Every doctor I've talked to says 1-2 8oz servings per day is totally safe and fine. I have less than 8 oz in the morning and that's it. As we get closer I'll talk to the OB again and see if I should cut it out. I think as it gets cooler it'll be easier to drink decaf tea -- I just don't crave tea in the summer!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Belly measurement: At our OB appointment I was 16 weeks 1 day, belly measuring 23 weeks! :-o Belly is about 10 inches bigger than pre-pregnancy.
Gender: I still can't believe it... 3 BOYS!! Wow! We are in for a wild ride ;)
Prayers: As I mentioned above, all babies are doing well and all anatomy checked out just fine during the scan. Baby A (twin) is in the lead for growth, followed by Baby C (singleton) -- both measuring 2 days ahead. Baby B (twin) is measuring 3 days behind, but that has been the trend so far with him (measuring 2-4 days behind). They did identify that Baby B has a single artery umbilical cord and velamentous cord insertion -- where the cord is inserted into the placental membrane and not the main part of the placenta. This could be causing him to get a bit less nourishment, resulting in slower growth. The good thing is, there are no red flags with his anatomy. The MFM OB we met with was wonderful and explained it very clearly to us. Baby B may just be the "runt", which is common in identicals for one to be smaller. We are just now praying that his growth continues to improve week to week. As long as it's going upward on the growth chart -- not declining or plateauing -- it is OK. Another great thing is no signs of twin twin transfusion. The twins' placenta is still low and considered previa, but the bulk of it is to the posterior. Baby C had a few minor things pop up, but the OB said she was hesitant to even mention them, as they would likely disappear. At this time, she is not recommending an amnio. We will check heart rates and my cervix in 2 weeks and growth again in 4 weeks. I'm praying for all 3 little guys -- especially for Baby B's growth. Cervix is still good around 3.5, praying for it to stay around that number.
Labor signs: No
Stretch marks: No
Mood: Overall good! 
Other: The MFM OB told me that if I was working full time right now, this would've been my last week! At 20 weeks, I'll be on what she called "couch potato" rest.

A few 3D ultrasound images: 
                       Twins cuddling

                            Twins cuddling

            Baby C

Baby C deep in thought! ;) 

16 week bump (looking a little tired!)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

15 Week Update

How far along: 15 weeks 6 days
Weight gain/loss: Two days ago I was at 156.4
Maternity clothes: I really needed more comfy pants, so I bought a pair of maroon maternity leggings with the belly support (in medium) at Motherhood Maternity this week. So comfy! 
Sleep: Once again, I'm rotating my body pillows, but I'm finding the memory foam one sadly doesn't have enough belly support. It seems to be the trend that I go to bed at 10:30ish and wake up between 4:30-6 am to sleep sitting up until 7:30-8:30 am. I'm finding my hips start to ache from sleeping on my side, which is strange since I'm a side sleeper anyway. This sleep thing is already so complicated! I've read a lot of multiple moms start sleeping in reclining chairs toward the end of pregnancy!
Best moment this week: Our hospital tour. It was really nice to see where we will be and what we can expect. I'm really happy with our hospital's updated facilities and that they are very pro-mom & baby. We didn't get to see the post-partum rooms, but the nurse said they are very similar to the birthing rooms. We even peeked in the cafeteria, just to get a feel for what was being offered. After our tour, Markus and I had a little dinner date and played trivia at Grand Rapids Brewing Co. (even though we didn't make it to the end because I was having a hard time sitting on a bar stool!). 
Miss Anything? We drove by a Jimmy John's the other day and I would've done anything for a sandwich! Markus' craft beer at the bar looked really refreshing! Not having my neck hurt every morning :( I gotta figure something out...
Movement: I don't know if what I'm feeling is movement, but lately I feel a lot of action on the right side of my belly where the twins are. I'll feel this sort of tightness with what feels like like pokes/pressure? I don't know if it's stretching or if it's the babies.
Food cravings: I have been craving a 7-layer salad like crazy -- the one with lettuce, peas, bacon, etc. I think I'll have to make one! I was craving a McDonald's crispy chicken sandwich so bad the other night, I ended up making Markus take me there to get one the next day (I probably haven't had one of these since high school or college!) I always pay the price for eating a gluten-full bun, but there's nothing like satisfying a pregnancy craving haha! I promise I'm eating healthy homemade meals ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but plain grilled chicken just hasn't sounded appealing for the last two weeks or so.
Have you started to show yet? Maybe I should remove this question and just start measuring my belly ;)
Gender predictions: Twin boys and a single girl -- or all boys. Who knows?!
Prayers: I had been having a lot of fear lately and posted about it on the Moms of Multiples page I'm a part of. I received such wonderful responses and support and messages from other moms who've been there, or feel the same now. I really liked what one mom said that was so simple. Every night she thanks God for keeping her babies inside another day. It really is one day at a time. I've made that a practice every night and every morning.
Labor signs: No
Stretch marks: No
Mood: Overall good! I get a little teary when I see photos of triplet babies all together on other mom's blogs - I can't wait to meet our little miracles!
Looking forward to: The anatomy scan next Tuesday! Seeing my dear friend Anna this weekend! 

15 week bump

Thursday, August 13, 2015

14 Week Update

How far along: 14 weeks, 3 days
Weight gain/loss: 152 was my last (15 lbs total so far)
Maternity clothes: Yep. Most clothes are uncomfortable. My small sweats are getting too tight in the waist. All my lululemon is in storage -- aside from 3 pairs of loose fitting pants. I bought a pair of large cotton drawstring sweats -- they are heaven! My bra strap extenders and new maternity bras (they are cute for maternity!) have been lifesavers. 
Sleep: Wake up 1-2/night to go to the bathroom. Having 2 Starbucks venti size water bottles by my bedside has been so helpful, so that I don't have to refill my one bottle in the middle of the night. After a week or two with the memory foam body pillow and still having neck/occipital pain, I'm finding the regular old body pillow with my mini travel pillow and a king size feather pillow under my head is most helpful, but despite the change, I still get neck pain in the morning. :(
Best moment this week: I thought I felt the babies move at 13w5d when we were singing tautas dziesmas (Latvian folk songs) at my friend Maritia's baby shower. It really felt like it! Maybe it was? Maybe it was just stretching? 
Miss Anything? Cleaning the house/organizing as much as I really want to! Being able to stand and walk around for long periods. Not having occipital pain/headaches. Regular sandwiches with deli meat!
Movement: See above
Food cravings: Not as strong lately. I was craving fries and a shake though, so had to stop at Ray's the other day. I'm trying not to eat too much sugar, but those cravings for sweets seem to take over! It seems I crave much healthier food when not pregnant, which is strange. I'm just going to guess my body needs the calories. The OB said about 900 extra calories per day, but the supposed "bible" of multiple pregnancies book I'm reading says triplet moms should aim for 4,000 calories per day to have optimal weight babies at birth! Wow! I've kept track for a few days on an app and I'm hovering just over 3,000 -- I think that's pretty good! ;)
Anything making your queasy or sick? If I go too long without eating, I feel nauseated. Usually happens in the morning after breakfast #1, then I need to eat again shortly after. Tonight I waited too long to eat dinner and got really low blood sugar. 
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah ;)
Prayers: I pray that the twins' placenta will migrate out of the previa position and move to the posterior side. I pray that my cervix stays long at 3.6 or greater and closed. I pray that baby A and B share their nutrition equally. I pray for God to stand by me and protect our little miracles allowing me to carry them as long as possible. I pray to reach our first goal of 28 weeks, then 30 weeks, 32, 34 and hopefully 35! 
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Stretch marks: No
Mood: Some mood changes this week. Overall happy and content, with bouts of the blues and anxious feelings. I have had some irritable episodes that feel totally not me and totally out of my control -- hormones?? 
Looking forward to: The anatomy scan at 16 weeks!! 

14 week bump (looks a little funny with the shadow behind me)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First Trimester Summary

I'm into my second trimester now, but I wanted to share a brief summary of my first trimester experience. To keep things simple, I am using the "universal" pregnancy update template, with some minor tweaks. As a note, we are having "mono-di" or monochorionic diamniotic identical twins and a singleton -- in other words we have identical twins split from one embryo sharing a placenta but in their own sacs and a singleton with its own placenta and sac. 

Weight gain/loss: I started my pregnancy somewhere around 137 lbs. I gained a few pounds while on all the medication during IVF, so my pre-pregnancy/IVF weight was 132-133. 
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes started at 9 weeks. However, I started the pregnancy swollen in the abdomen because I developed mild Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome after my last round of IVF (SO painful and pretty frightening -- luckily it passed in a few days. Fun fact: the symptoms came back the day before our Beta pregnancy test, an indicator I was pregnant because I guess OHSS symptoms can resurface due to a surge in hCG). From the retrieval date onward, I had to close my jeans with a hair tie. I was still able to wear all of my clothes until about 9 weeks. I bought two Belly Bands, which I really only used 2-3 times because I grew too quickly and my pre-pregnancy jeans and any other pants were extremely uncomfortable.
Sleep: Sleeping was pretty much fine until 12 weeks, even though I started using a regular body pillow at 8-9 weeks (to be honest ever since I had surgery for endometriosis in 2013, having a pillow or blanket supporting my abdomen when I sleep has felt more comforable). At the 12-week mark, I started getting really uncomfortable and bought a memory foam body pillow. I thought it might resolve the neck/occipital pain and headaches I was getting nearly every morning. For a few days it did, but then the pain came back. What feels comfortable seems to change nightly. I've been sleeping a lot, going to bed between 9:30-11 pm depending on the night and sleeping until 8-8:30 am -- plus almost daily naps!
Best moments: Seeing our babies move a ton at our 9 week scan. Baby A (twin 1) was doing flips, Baby B (twin 2) was moving its little arms and Baby C (singleton) was just hanging out. Then at 12 weeks we got to see a 3D ultrasound, which was so cool! There was so much movement going on and babies were bigger (we were very happy Baby B caught up in growth by 2 days to Baby A). At all of our scans so far Baby A is measuring right on, Baby B around 2 days behind and Baby C 2-4 days ahead. 
Miss anything? Sauvignon Blanc, sushi, ice cold summer beer, comfortable sleeping, turkey/ham/any deli meat sandwiches
Food cravings: Major random cravings from weeks 7-12. When I had morning sickness in weeks 7-9.5 it was Chex cereal, peaches, apples, watermelon/melon, Amy's gluten free mac and cheese and potato wedges from the Jewel-Osco deli (all vegetables, salads, and meats sounded terrible!). Later on, I wanted random things that I either never or rarely eat like a hot dog with all the fixings, Runts candy, hot fudge sundae, milkshakes, a "regular" non-gluten free burger, fries -- obviously not the healthiest! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? As I mentioned, I had morning sickness from weeks 7-9.5 -- luckily not very long! I was scared I was going to throw up on the train during my morning commute, so for the entire 35-40 minute ride I ate crackers and chewy ginger candies like crazy and carried a plastic bag with me, just in case. 
Have you started to show yet? As I mentioned, I was swollen from IVF/OHSS since the beginning, so it was hard to tell whether my "showing" at the beginning was from my swollen ovaries or pregnancy. Either way, I was showing pretty much right away, with a true little belly developing at 8 weeks. 
Gender predictions: The day before our first scan I dreamt I had boy/girl twins on Christmas day. The next day we found out it was twins (but then two weeks later found out it was triplets!). We are kind of hoping for boy twins and a single girl, but just want healthy babies!
Prayers: I prayed so much this IVF cycle and throughout the pregnancy so far. I've received so much support from my husband, other friends going through IVF, from the Stepping Stones forum, and from my own faith. My whole perspective changed in the 3rd cycle when I no longer felt alone. 
Stretch marks: No
Mood: A mix of calm, faith and anxiety in the first trimester. Lots of stress when we initially found out about the triplets and around our out of state move.
Other: The biggest surprise of the first trimester was going from knowing we were pregnant two weeks after the transfer, to seeing twins on our ultrasound at the 6 week scan, to seeing a third baby at our 7.5 week scan! During trimester one we had a lot of tough decisions about genetic testing to make. When we first found out about the triplets, rather than getting a congratulations, we were asked if we wanted a reduction. We went to numerous appointments feeling scared, but collected all the information we needed. We decided to opt out of any really invasive testing procedures and wait until later in the pregnancy and make a decision about doing an amnio at that time if necessary. Trimester one was pretty smooth aside from the brief nausea/aversions and tiredness (although, I don't think this goes away...). I had one episode of very intense pelvic pain around 10 weeks and we decided to go to the regular OB to get checked out. Everything turned out fine, she said it was likely ligament pain and stretching -- pains most singleton moms feel much later in their pregnancies, but multiple moms can feel early. Overall, as the weeks have gone by and we're under the regular care of our new OB and Maternal Fetal OB, we feel less fear and much more excitement. My goal is to keep these babies in as long as possible! Making it to 34 weeks is our big goal -- the week of Christmas! 

Some first trimester photos:

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Our Triplet Miracle

I never intended to write about my struggles with infertility, but knowing how much others' infertility blogs helped me cope and now that I find myself turning to triplet pregnancy blogs for encouragement I thought to share my triplet pregnancy journey.

I don't intend for this to be as in depth as blogs I've read focused solely on infertility and pregnancy, so I'll share our brief summary of how our triplet miracles came to be.

We found out we were pregnant May 2015 after struggling on our own for a while (and undergoing surgery for endometriosis & removal of cysts in 2013) and then seeking treatment at a Reproductive Endocrinology clinic from May 2014-June 2015 and undergoing:

4 medicated IUIs: Femara, Ovidrel, Progesterone suppositories - all BFNs
IVF#1 (Fresh cycle): Birth control protocol, low dose Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix, Ovidrel, Progesterone in Oil - BFP, chemical pregnancy :(
IVF #2 (Fresh cycle): Highest dose Menopur, Follistim, Saizen growth hormone, Ganirelix, Ovidrel, Progesterone in Oil - BFN
IVF #3 (Fresh cycle): Customized Chinese herbs (tea form, went through three rounds before we found the one), CoQ10 with Ubiquinol 3x daily, Estrogen priming protocol with Vivelle patches, Endometrial scratch procedure, highest dose Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix, Ovidrel, Progesterone in Oil - BFP, Triplets!!! (Beta 1: 207.5, Beta 2: 646.4 -- we suspected multiples...)

* I have been going to acupuncture for nine years and went consistently throughout my treatments

Because I decided to start writing about my experience in my second trimester, in my next post I'll share a first trimester summary and then intend to share weekly updates going forward. I know that what helped me the most was reading success stories of those who had been there and having a support network both online and with friends who were on the journey at the same time. I hope that by sharing my experience, I can help someone out there find hope. No two paths are alike when it comes to infertility and pregnancy, but seeing that others struggled and then were blessed with a miracle has helped me have faith and see there is light at the end of what can be a dark and lonely path. To anyone feeling isolated, ashamed, scared, confused -- remember, you are NOT alone. I found that sharing openly with people I trusted connected me to others who were struggling, too. Being able to share and lean on someone who knows what you're going through, as well as provide support, prayers and encouraging words to someone else, serves as a true gift during a difficult time.